The Infinite Parable: ECHO
Solo Project | Created in 2 months (2020)
Unity | C# | Wwise
Created game level for Abertay University's 'Audio Programming' module.
Created everything myself, including majority of 3D models using Blender.
Allowed me to create a tense horror experience with some black humour mixed in.
Experimented with perception trickery, and hidden elements that are revealed by a camera flash.
Used Wwise to implement spatial and dynamic audio and music
Received an A for this module.

The original version of 'The Infinite Parable' was such a personal success for both my fellow programmer Ben and I that we decided to expand the scope and concept of the game into multiple levels - as our 'Audio Programming' module at University was approaching, we decided it would be perfect to create our own levels for the submission. This is my level.
"Welcome to the foundation's forgotten testing chamber - hidden in space and time. Solve eerie, reality-bending puzzles as the inhuman caretaker torments you."
I wanted to keep the theme of the original game in this new level, but with a twist of thick atmosphere, tension, and fear. I created the majority of art assets in this game, using Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Audacity and Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio. I used my MIDI keyboard to create a dynamic piece of music that intensifies as the antagonist 'Eddie' nears.
Some of the art assets I made from scratch in Blender: