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playerIteration1 (2020_10_20 09_47_46 UT
playerIteration1 (2020_10_20 09_47_46 UT
playerIteration1 (2020_10_20 09_47_46 UT

Solo Project | Created in 7 Days (2019)
Unity | C#

  • 2D Stealth side-scroller set in World War II, with a unique black & white filmic art style with parallax effects

  • Further familiarised myself with creating a 2D game in the Unity engine

  • Released in a polished, fully playable state, containing three levels that showcase unique mechanics.

"Fly an spy plane into enemy territory to retrieve intelligence that could help win the war. Dodge enemy spotlights to avoid getting caught..."

Promotional GIF for SkySpy

Art design

I created the visuals based on the Film Noir of the 40s and 50s, with only shades of greyscale - this created a special filmic visual aesthetic and tone for the game whilst allowing me to create simple yet effective sprites that are essentially silhouettes.


There are elements of the colour red used for specific purpose in the game - when entering combat, a red vignette appears, and when the player or an enemy plane takes heavy damage, they flash red. In the final level of the game, sinister red banners appear in the background, resembling danger and a sense of dramatic climax.


The background has a parallax effect, with multiple different backdrops of buildings moving at different speeds to convey the movement of the player. I applied post-processing to the game such as film grain, vignette, motion-blur and bloom to enhance the film noir aesthetic.

A screenshot of SkySpy
A screenshot of SkySpy


The player must avoid spotlights from other incoming planes, and weave through the patrols to reach end end of the level. I added spotlight types for enemies as the game progresses - some have spotlights that point forward, up or down, or even swivel up and down. If the player is caught in one of these spotlights, combat begins.

A screenshot of SkySpy
A promo GIF of SkySpy


If the player is caught, an alarm raises and the on-screen enemies begin to fire at the player. The player can shoot back and return to stealth once all enemies are defeated. As the emphasis in development was the stealth gameplay, the combat is more of a last resort.

playerIteration1 (2020_10_20 09_47_46 UT
playerIteration1 (2020_10_20 09_47_46 UT
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